SUA Technologies

Prior to 2005, public universities in Tanzania, including SUA, never owned any Intellectual Property (IP) rights. Protection of knowledge-based assets was not available for domestic inventors working in public research institutions. After enactment of the Tanzania Universities Act (2005) which made public university semi-autonomous, the government strongly encouraged universities in receipt of public research funding or support from development partners to establish a technology transfer function and protect its inventions.

SUA responded by formulating its IP policy in 2006 and thereafter by establishing its Technology Transfer Office in 2007 which operated under the then Directorate of Research and Postgraduate Studies (DRPGS) until 2016 when a fully fledged Directorate of Intellectual Property Management and Linkages (DIPML) was established.

In June 2017, the University Council approved merging of the DIPML with the then DRPGS to form the current Directorate of Postgraduate Studies, Research, Technology Transfer and Consultancy (DPRTC).

The DPRTC puts much emphasis on protecting IP rights of SUA-based researchers and students while also promotes translation of intellectual assets and innovations into increased benefits to society and improved quality of life.

\In this regards, SUA has supported obtaining of 14 patent grants/breeders rights in respect to inventions disclosures by SUA-based researchers between 2007 and 2016. Out of 14 patented inventions, three have already been commercialized.

The patented innovations by SUA members are:

S/N IP Title Patent Number Inventors
1 Portable Double Sided Steel A Frame for Log Sawing TZ/P/07/00140 Amini R E Kweka

Wilbard S Abeli

Zachariah M Mganilwa

2 Tree Pusher TZ/P/07/00141 Amini E Kweka
3 Procedure for Development of Baobab Powder as a Substitute for Commercial Pectin in Jam Preparations (gelling agent) TZ/P/10/00276 B K Ndabikunze

B N Masambu

B P M Tiisekwa

A Isaa-Zacharia

4 Use of crude extract from Synadenium Glaucescens for treatment of poultry viral diseases TZ/P/10/00274 Faith P Mabiki

Robinson H Mdegela

Mkumbukwa M A Mtambo

Resto D Mosha

Joseph J Magadula

Gaymary G Bakari

Robert Max

5 Application of crude extracts from Synadenium Glaucescens for wound healing and Control of Bacterial and Fungal diseases TZ/P/10/00280 Faith P Mabiki

Robinson H Mdegela

Mkumbukwa M A Mtambo

Resto D Mosha

Joseph J Magadula

Gaymary G Bakari

Robert Max

Elliot C J Phiri

6 Application of Commiphora swynnertonii crude extract for control of Newcastle disease in poultry TZ/P/10/00277 Gaymary G Bakari

Faith P Mabiki

Robinson H Mdegela

Robert Max

Mkumbukwa M A Mtambo

Elliot C J Phiri

Resto D Mosha

Joseph J Magadula

7 Innovative Drip Emission Devices TZ/P/14/00384 N.I. Kihupi

A.K.P.R. Tarimo

R.J. Masika

A.G. Pyuza

S. Samwel


B. Boman

W.A. Dick

8 Solar-Powered, Wireless Re-Programmable Precision Irrigation Controller TZ/P/14/00383 Kadeghe Fue

John Schueller

Arnold Schumann

Tumbo Siza

9 Use of feline urine to manage rodents in crop fields TZ/P/14/00385 Loth S. Mulungu

M. Kichuki

Georgies Mgode

J.J. Magadula

C.A. Mgina

Mashaka Mdangi

Victoria Ngowo

Elbert Mbukwa

M.W. Mwatawala

A.B.S. Mwakalobo

10 A Rooting Media Formulation for Regeneration of Olea Welwitschii L. (Ironwood Olive) Stem Cuttings TZ/P/2016/06 Maduka, M. S.

Msogoya, T. J.

Chamshama, S. A. O.

11 A Medium Formulation For Induction of In Vitro Regeneration Of Olea Welwitschii (Knobl.) Gilg & Schellenb (Elgon Olive) TZ/P/2016/07 Maduka, M. S.

Chamshama, S. A. O.

Msogoya, T. J.

Plant Breeders’ Rights Granted to SUA and Commercialized are:

S/N IP Title Breeder(s)
1. Bean variety named as “PESA” Suzan Nchimbi-Msolla
2 Bean Variety named as “MSHINDI” Suzan Nchimbi-Msolla
3 Rice Variety named as “Mwangaza” Ashura Luzi-Kihupi




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