Call for application for SUA and MOEST HEET scholarships for long term studies for SUA staff

Sokoine University of Agriculture is implementing a Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) project with the funding from the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, secured from the World Bank. Capacity building for SUA staff is one of the HEET components to unlock staff development challenges at the University. For several years individual funding and international scholarship skewed staff development to be personal aspiration or funder’s aspiration rather than institutional academic plan. SUA has also experienced lack of scholarships in some fields of specialization due to lack of interest for many scholarship programmes and sponsors. The HEET scholarships will benefit academic staff at the level of Masters and PhD, technical staff and supporting staff at the level of Master’s degree and short-term training. It is envisaged that the scholarship for SUA staff will build capacity and ultimately enable SUA better contribute to desired
economic transformation by improving training, research, service delivery and efficiency and
effectiveness in administration and management.

Call for Application (PDF)

Application Form (PDF)

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