1st call for concept notes competitive research and innovation grants for year 2020/2021 for SUA staff

Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) is a Public University established by Act of Parliament No. 6 on 1st July 1984, which was repealed by the Universities Act No. 7 in 2005. Following the enactment of the Universities Act, SUA was granted the SUA Charter of 2007.

The vision of SUA is “to be a leading university in the provision of quality knowledge and skills in agriculture and allied sciences”, which is guided by its mission which is “to promote development in agriculture and natural resources through training, research, and delivery of services”.

Cooperate Strategic Objective No. 2 of SUA is “to increase the volume and quality of research, publications and innovations”. SUA ranks the First in the citations among the Tanzanian Universities with the total of 82,220 citations as of July 2020.

To further improve her position in the world, SUA has set aside TZS 500,000,000 from the Research and Innovation Support (SUARIS) for the 2020/2021 financial year to support research, publications and innovations for young early career researchers.

A total of 20 small projects are expected to be supported during the year 2020/2021.

Read more details in the following links

1st call for concept notes competitive research and innovation grants for year 2020/2021 for SUA staff (pdf)

Guidelines and procedures for application of the SUA research and innovation support (SUARIS) (pdf)

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