Research Policy and Strategies

The restructured Directorate of Postgraduate Studies, Research, Technology Transfer and Consultancy (DPRTC),which was established in 1988 as the Directorate of Research and Postgraduate Studies (DRPGS), is responsible for the administration, coordination and overseeing the implementation of SUA Research Policy.

The DPRTC is also responsible for monitoring and ensuring compliance of research endeavours to the University’s research agenda. In addition, the Directorate is responsible for managing research funds and monitoring all research activities undertaken at SUA.

This 4th edition of the Policy replaces the 3rd edition of 2010 and contains the revised research policy for Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) as approved by 152nd meeting of the University Council held on 27th September 2018. The revised policy has included more elaborated policy statements to demonstrate SUA’s commitment and consideration in attaining research excellence. More elaborative policy statements added include:

  • Investment in research infrastructure,
  • Research coordination,
  • Integrity and ethics in research including a firm anticorruption stand,
  • Whistle-blower and Witness Protection policy,
  • Research quality assurance,
  • Ownership of research outputs and IPR,
  • Gender, HIV and AIDS, and
  • Capacity building.

The revised policy has been prepared to align with the SUA Corporate Strategic Plan (CSP) 2016-2021 which calls for increased volume and quality of research, gender mainstreaming and capacity building in research for sustainability and relevance of research and outreach.

The current edition has also revised some of policy statements, to accommodate new developments as guided by the SUA CSP (2016-2021) and the University Council decisions pertaining to university restructuring. The revised version includes issues that have been embraced in the restructuring such as facilitation, incentives, quality assurance and motivational arrangements.

In making revisions to this document, various sectoral policies were consulted, such as: Research Policy on Agriculture and Livestock; Commission for Science and Technology Research Priorities for Tanzania 2015 -2020; National Research and Development Policy; National Forestry Policy; Beekeeping Policy; Wildlife Policy; Tourism and Eco-tourism Policy; National Environmental Policy; Education and Training Policy; Industry and Energy Policy; Science and Innovation Policy; and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

This document is meant to ensure that SUA is committed to allocating resources to fulfil its objectives, functions and obligations to advance knowledge through quality research that addresses national challenges as per SUA Charter of 2007. The document is also meant to provide guidance to SUA researchers and other collaborators when formulating and undertaking research at SUA and Tanzania in general.

Since SUA realises the need to keep pace with the changing world, the SUA research policy and strategies will be reviewed as deemed necessary. These revisions will however be guided by SUA’s strategic research objectives as set out in the SUA’s Corporate Strategic Plan (2016-2021).

 Access the Revised version of  Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) Research Policy Full document here (PDF)


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