Research Associateship

Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) hosts external to the University scholars who wish to conduct research in Tanzania as SUA Research Associates. The overall objective of this scheme is to enhance our collaboration with local and international researchers so as to improve the socio-economic development through basic and applied research. Thus, we welcome researchers who have research projects that safeguard both the academic and national interests.

Qualifications for admission into research associateship scheme

An applicant for registration as a research associate shall either hold a relevant Bachelor, Master or PhD degree, or an equivalent qualification from an approved institution of higher learning.

How to Apply for Research Associateship

If you meet the requirements Apply Online for Research Associateship or  download Application Form for Research Associateship. You may suggest a Contact person at SUA, who will host you and ensure that the research is conducted as per SUA guidelines and preserve SUA and national interests.

Research Associateship Fees

We provide affordable fees and convenient payment method for our research associates

A nonrefundable application fee of US$ 20 is payable in cash on arrival at SUA, crossed cheque or bankers order to the University. Successful applicants will be required to pay the following nonrefundable fees direct to the University before arrival or upon arrival at the University:
Registration (one time) USD 100
Administration (one time) USD 200
Bench fee of USD 80 per month.

The bench fee will be charged according to the number of months of registration. This, fee to be used by the Department hosting the candidate, is designed to cover for the services offered by the department e.g. laboratory facilities (40%), contact persons fee (40%) and library services (20%).

Applicants staying for periods of less than two months will be required to pay fees at half the Registration and Administration fees. But the application fee and bench fee will be paid in full.

Apply Online for Research Associateship at SUA 

Download Research Associateship Application Forms

Thank you for choosing SUA as your partner in Research

See also, Postgraduate Programme and Courses offered at SUA

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