Applicants are therefore advised to either visit SUA website from time to time or make enquiries with relevant departments/colleges/schools before or after being registered for degree programmes at SUA. A number of initially self-sponsored students benefit from these scholarship opportunities as it is easier for them to conduct relevant departments/colleges/schools.
Postgraduate applicants are encouraged to seek for admission under self-sponsorship as research projects with capacity building are continually developed at SUA.
For further information about postgraduate studies contact:
The Director,
Directorate of Postgraduate Studies, Research, Technology Transfer and Consultancy (DPRTC)
Sokoine University of Agriculture,
P.O. Box 3151, Chuo Kikuu,
Morogoro, Tanzania.
Telephone: +255 023-2640013, Fax: +255 023 2604388,
E-mail: E-mail: