PhD Public Defence: Willy Maliganya

Public Defence: PhD

Candidate: Willy Maliganya

Maliganya is a specialist in Development Studies focusing on Natural Resources Governance especially in the extractive sectors for improved local livelihoods in Tanzania. He is an employee of the Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy (MNMA) in the capacity of an Assistant Lecturer since September, 2006 in the Department of Education. He registered with Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in December, 2014 to pursue PhD studies in the Department of Development Studies (DDS), College of Social Sciences and Humanities (CSSH).

Thesis Title: Response of Large Scale Mining Companies on System of Governance for Enhanced Local Livelihoods in Tanzania: A Case of Kahama District

Supervisor(s): Prof. Kenneth M.K. Bengesi

Date and Time: 26th August, 2020 at 09:00 am hrs.

Venue: Postgraduate Seminar Room

Mode: Face to Face

Panellist Members:

S/N Name of Panel member Status of appointment Remarks
1 Prof. J. Hella Chairperson
2 Prof. C. Mahonge Appointee of the CSSH Principal
3 Prof. Justine Urassa Internal examiner Not Supervisor
4 Prof. K.M.K. Bengesi Internal Examiner Supervisor
5 Dr. E.T.Malisa Appointee of the Head, DDS Recorder

 Summary of Main Findings

The mining sector in most developing countries has become an important sector not only for the economy but also for the communities in areas affected by large mining operations. However, the sector still faces some challenges that need collective commitment in order to achieve its full development potential for all. Although the regulatory frameworks for resource extraction in developing countries like Tanzania are intended to maximize benefits to the local population, yet, returns from such resources have not usually matched with the expectations. The existence of these contradictions necessitated for a need for further research into the topic. This study was conducted to assess the response of large scale mining companies on system of governance for enhanced local livelihoods in Tanzania with a focus on Kahama District.

The study findings indicated that although Tanzania has taken serious measures towards exploiting opportunities in the mining sector by creating policy enabling environment, such measures have not that much achieved the expected results due to the persistence of targeted challenges in the sector. The persisting challenges are reflected in the form of lack of expected benefits and failure to develop policy options for making the investment environment supportive for all actors in the sector; hence failure to use mineral wealth sustainably for growth and poverty reduction for the benefits of all. While the mining companies seemed to comply with some aspects for sustainable mining practices such as consultation for views on issues, publication of anticipated effects and benefits in communities, yet, it was also evident that the mining companies’ operations affected largely the qualities of water, soil, air and use of available resources within operation areas. Consequently, there was less compliance with better practice on issues of pollutions reduction, land compensations and employment of indigenous work force for improved local livelihoods in the study district.

In view of the above, the study concludes that although large mining companies are still useful for Tanzania’s socio-economic development, overcoming the challenges that still exist for achieving sustainable mining practices becomes necessary. In so doing, key aspects for assured sustainability in areas with large mining operations should be determined in a legally responsible and socially equitable ways for secured community livelihoods resources in areas affected by mining operations even after mine closure not only for the country’s interests but also for the communities in areas affected by large scale mining operations.

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