PhD Public Defence: Nyamizi Bundala (7th October, 2020 at 10:00 am)

Public Defence: PhD

Candidate: Nyamizi Bundala

Nyamizi H. Bundala is a lecturer in the Department of Food Technology Nutrition and Consumer Sciences (DFTNCS) at Sokoine University of Agriculture. She has 12 years of experience in the field of nutrition as an academician and  as a researcher.

She joined Sokoine University of Agriculture for PhD studies in the Department of Food Technology Nutrition and Consumer Sciences in July 2016.

Thesis Title: Improving dietary diversity through on-farm production and nutrition education in rural households of Tanzania


  1. Prof. Joyce Kinabo – SUA,Tanzania
  2. Dr. Theresia Jumbe – SUA,Tanzania
  3. Prof. Stefan Sieber – ZALF/Humboldt University, German

Date and Time: 7th October, 2020; 10:00 hrs

Venue: FQS Classroom – DFTNCS

Panelists Team

  1. Prof. V.C.K. Silayo  (Chairperson)
  2. Prof. Fatihiya Massawe (Appointee of the Principal)
  3. Dr. Theresia Jumbe (Internal examiner – Supervisor)
  4. Prof. John Msuya (Internal examiner who did not supervise)
  5. Dr. Happiness Muhimbula (Appointee of the Head of Department and the Secretary)

Mode of Defence: Face-to-face and online (Zoom)

The potential role of farm production to enhance dietary quality is considered as a possible nutrition sensitive-intervention. Despite farming being a rural activity in Tanzania, the number of undernourished individuals is higher in rural than in urban areas. In addition, areas with high food production in Tanzania are also marked with high levels of undernutrition. The linkages and pathways in which farm production influences household dietary diversity is not well understood and evidence is limited.

The study intended to examine the effects of farm production and nutrition education on household dietary diversity among 663 rural households in Kilosa and Chamwino districts. Different indicators of farm production and nutrition, socio-demographics, economic and agricultural characteristics were used to examine the association and predictors of household dietary diversity.

The findings revealed that a household’s ability to diversify diet is based on farm production diversity (diverse food groups), the status of nutrition knowledge, household food expenditure and market accessibility. Positive effects of farm production diversity over household dietary diversity was more pronounced in areas with limited market access than their counterpart. In addition, an increase in food expenditure consistently improved household dietary diversity in the study areas.

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