PhD Public Defence: Leonard Joseph Marwa

Public Defense: PhD 
Candidate: Leonard Joseph Marwa

Mr. Leonard Joseph Marwa works with Tanzania Livestock Research Institute (TALIRI) at West Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. He was enrolled as PhD student at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in June, 2014 in the Department of Animal, Aquaculture, and Range Sciences, College of Agriculture. Mr Marwa is a holder of MSc in Tropical Animal Production of SUA which he completed in 2013 and BSc Animal Science (SUA) completed in 2004. At TALIRI, Mr Marwa works in a team which is involved in upgrading the small ruminants in Tanzania.

Thesis Title: Evaluation of Improved Strategic Feeding and Confinement Practices on Performance of Local Chickens in Babati District, Tanzania

Supervisors: Prof. Salome K. Mutayoba (SUA); Dr. Said H Mbaga (SUA); Dr. Ben Lukuyu (ILRI, Uganda)

Date and Time:  12 June, 2020; 09:00 hrs

Venue: MoreMilkiT Seminar Room, Department of Animal, Aquaculture, and Range Sciences

Mode: Online (by Zoom)

Panel members:

  1. Prof Peter Msoffe (Chairperson)
  2. Prof Andalwisye Katule (Internal examiner)
  3. Dr Said Mbaga (Internal Examiner)
  4. Prof Christopher Kasanga (Appointee of College Principal)
  5. Dr George M Msalya (Appointee of the Head of Department and Secretary)

Summary of the Thesis: Local chickens play a significant role in nutrition and income of many rural households in Tanzania. In addition, the birds contribute about 56% of chicken products in the country and their demand is increasing. However, nutrition is a major challenge for many farmers and it is a major factor for low productivity. Therefore the present study was designed to carry out to an affordable but strategic feeding system which can improve performance of the birds in the rural farming communities. The study was carried out in eight villages of Babati District, Tanzania. The proposed feed has increased growth rate and reduced survival rate in the study sites.

Attendance: For members of the general public (including non-panel individuals) who are interested to attend/follow the Viva Voce examination virtually, kindly send your request to the Secretary of the Viva Voce Examination Panel, Dr George M Msalya at before 11th June, 2020 with the subject “Viva Voce Online”.

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