PhD Public Defence: Lekumok Kironyi

Public Defence: PhD                                          Candidate: Lekumok Kironyi

Kironyi is a PhD students at the School of Agricultural Economics and Business Studies (SAEBS). Kironyi is employed as an assistant Lecturer at the Mwalimu J.K. Nyerere University of Agriculture and Technology (MJNUAT). He registered with Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) at the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness (DAEA) and University of Copenhagen (UoC) at the Department of Geo-sciences and Natural Resources Management in October 2015.

Thesis Title:

The role of governance practices related to land, water and solid waste in supporting the transformation of emerging urban centres.


  1. Evelyne Lazaro- SUA
  2. Dr: Jeremiah R. Makindara-SUA
  3. Associate Prof: Torben Birch-Thomsen-UoC

Date and Time:  3 September, 2020; 09:00 hrs

Venue: SAEBS Seminars Room

Mode: Face-to face

Panelist members:

  1. Prof R.M.J. Kadigi (Chairperson)
  2. Dr B. M. Waized (Internal Examiner)
  3. Dr E. A. Lazaro (Supervisor)
  4. Prof S. B. P. Kristensen (Appointee of the Dean, SAEBS)
  5. Dr R. Alphonce (Appointee of the Head, DAEA

Summary of the Thesis

In Tanzania, many rural villages are being transformed from rural (villages) into urban (townships) entities. Within formal administrative units like townships and village centres, Emerging Urban Centres (EUCs) have been rapidly growing both demographically and economically. Despite rapid growth, governance mechanisms are not keeping pace with these rapid socio-economic transformations. The broad objective of this study was to identify how governance practices (public and private) in relation to land, domestic water and solid waste management have developed in supporting processes of rural-urban transformation. The study was conducted in Ilula and Madizini EUCs. The study employed a combination of research methods for data collection and analysis. Results indicate that, EUCs have experienced changes in land use in the form of housing densification and spatial expansion. Similarly, governance structures and practices related to land, domestic water and solid waste have changed in support of rural-urban transformation. The study concludes that, EUCs are rapidly growing but the local government authorities are lagging behind in planning service provisions. Therefore, the study recommends that, the respective government authorities facilitate attainment of township status to give local government authorities within townships autonomy in decision-making and in planning service provision for the rapidly growing populations of both EUCs.

Attendance: For members of the general public (including non-panel individuals) who are interested to attend/follow the Viva Voce examination virtually, follow the following link XXXXXXXXXX

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