PhD Public Defence: Kelvin Njunwa

Public Defence: PhD
Candidate: Kelvin Njunwa

Njunwa is a Principal Human Resource Officer (PHRO) employed with Morogoro Regional Office (RAS), formally employed as Assistant Lecturer with Tanzania Institute of Accountancy. He joined Sokoine University of Agriculture in December, 2015 in the Department of Development Studies, College of Social Sciences and Humanities

Thesis Title: Political-Administrative Relations in Public Development Projects Implementation in Morogoro District Council: The Case of Construction of Health and Educational Infrastructure.


  1. Dr. Emanuel Chingonikaya
  2. Dr. Wilhelm Mafuru

Date and Time

8th May, 2020; 09:30 hrs


DS Postgraduate Room

Mode of Defence


Panelist Team

  1. Prof. Amon Z. Mattee – Chairperson
  2. Prof. John N. Jeckoniah – Appointee of the College Principal
  3. Dr. Emanuel E. Chingonikaya – Internal examiner and Supervisor
  4. Prof. Kim A. Kayunze – Internal Examiner who did not supervise
  5. Dr. John V. Msinde – Appointee of the Head of Department and Recorder

Summary of the Thesis

Public development projects implementation is one of the instruments used by local governments to ensure effective provision of socials services within their areas of jurisdictions. Despite of the efforts of the government initiating various construction projects for health and educational infrastructures is still a challenges in most rural districts. Therefore the purpose of the study was to assess the contribution of political-administrative relations in implementation of health and education infrastructure project in Morogoro District Council. The study found out that political administrative relations play significance role in ensuring effective implementation of the projects as it increase community participation, trust and mitigate conflicts, transparency and accountability and management of projects funds. The study recommended that LGAs should monitoring and control their relations by providing training, adherence of good governance, avoid politicization of public services and maintain good relations between elected and appointed officials to ensure successful implementation of the projects.

For members of the general public (including non-panel individuals) who are interested to attend/follow the Viva Voce examination virtually, kindly send your request to the Secretary of the Viva Voce Examination Panel, Dr. John V. Msinde at / before 8th May, 2020 at with the subject “Viva Voce Online”.

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