PhD Public Defence: Alex Mayamba

Public Defence: PhD

Candidate: Alex Mayamba

Mr. Mayamba is a Research Consultant working with Kawanda Agribusiness Consult, Uganda, formally employed as Research Assistant with National Agriculture Research Laboratories, Uganda. He joined Sokoine University of Agriculture in November, 2016 in the Department of Wild life Management, College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism (CFWT).

Thesis Title
: Ecology of Major Rodent Pest Species in Maize and Rice Cropping Systems in Eastern Uganda

Supervisors: Prof. Luth Mulungu (SUA);  Dr. Robert Byamungu (SUA); Prof. Didas N. Kimaro (SUA) and Prof. Moses Tsabirye (Busitema University, Uganda)

Date and Time:  2nd June, 2020; 10:00hrs

Venue: CFWT

Mode: Online (by Zoom)

Panel members:

  1. Fortunatus Makonda (Chairperson)
  2. Loth Mulungu (Internal examiner)
  3. Shombe Hassan (Internal Examiner)
  4. Delphina Mamiro (Appointee of College Principal)
  5. Nsajigwa E. Mbije (Head of Department and Secretary)

Summary of the Thesis: Rodent pests cause significant losses on cereals with profound effect on maize and rice, a threat to the food security in the E. African region.  To develop an effective management strategy, understanding key ecological aspects of key pest species such as species diversity breeding and population patterns etc. are key requirements. This formed the basis of this study’s objectives. This study provides a list of over twelve rodent pest species found inhabiting agro-ecosystems with Mastomys natalensis, comprising over 60% of all the trap catches. The breeding and population dynamics of M. natalensis synchronized with the rainfall seasons. Results of this will aid development of an appropriate ecologically based rodent pest management in the region.

Attendance: For members of the general public (including non-panel individuals) who are interested to attend/follow the Viva Voce examination virtually, kindly send your request to the Dr. Nsajigwa E. Mbije at before 1st June, 2020 with the subject “Viva Voce Online”

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