Promising practice in e-agriculture

‘UshauriKilimo’( is a Swahili word from ‘Ushauri’ and ‘Kilimo’ which means ‘advisory’ and ‘agriculture’ respectively. ‘UshauriKilimo’ is an information system for agricultural advisory services. It is an agro-advisory and extension service system that allows any actor in the agricultural sector to ask for advisory services to an agriculture extension officer using either the web or a mobile phone. The mobile and web based advisory information system for farmers was developed in collaboration with the Kilosa Community Radio, using participatory action research to ensure the improved extension services would correspond to the needs of the end?users.

The Web?based Farmers Advisory Information System (M-FAIS) and Mobile-based Farmers Advisory Information Systems (W-FAIS) were released for public use in January 2015, after an awareness raising campaign conducted in Kilosa District of Tanzania.

Read More: e-Agriculture Promising Practice: web and mobile phones for extension services in Tanzania

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