SUA Scientific Conference in Agriculture and Agribusiness (10th-11th April 2019)



Sokoine University of Agriculture and her collaborators are committed to contribute to sustainable development to attain Tanzania National Development Priorities and Sustainable Development Goals through provision of quality Research, Outreach and Consultancy services. Researchers and collaborators of SUA conduct various applied research activities to address challenges in agricultural productivity in crops and livestock, livestock and human health, socio-economic dynamics, climate change, natural resources management, education and environmental conservation. To commemorate, celebrate and honour the life and legacy of the late Hon. Edward Moringe Sokoine (former Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania), SUA wishes to share the generated knowledge, innovations, solutions, and findings to the national and international scientific community. In this spirit, SUA will hold the 2019 SUA Scientific Conference in Agriculture and Agribusiness along with the Sokoine Memorial Week.

The objective of the Conference is to showcase SUA contribution in Transforming Agriculture and Natural Resources for Sustainable Development to Attain Industrial Economy in Tanzania.

Conference Subthemes:
We hereby invite abstracts and papers related to the following sub?themes:

1. Agro-processing and Agro-ecology for food security and economic growth
Food security is critical in economic growth to ensure access of nutritious food at all time to all people. Efforts to achieve food security starts with ensuring optimum productivity of nutritious foods, reducing food loss and adding value of food crops. Sharing experience and research findings in the areas of breeding of food crops, integrated soil fertility management, agrochemicals, integrated pest management, agro-processing to preserve and add value to food crops, agricultural machinery, agro-mechanization, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or drone, and land management.

2. Sustaining animal health and livestock productivity
Tanzania is rich in livestock. The major challenges of livestock sector are diseases, low genetic potential and proper nutrition of livestock. Low productivity and quality of livestock and livestock products make contribution of livestock to the economy (GDP) to be low relative to high number of livestock, and in most cases leading to high pressure on the environment. We invite papers which will address issues of animal health, vaccination, skins and hides, milk and meat quality and productivity, animal nutrition, livestock breeding, human-animal disease interactions, pasture and rangeland management to improve productivity and ensure ecological health.

3. Sustainable environment, natural resources management and tourism
Transforming Tanzania to industrial economy may pose threat to natural resources and environment. The management of natural resources such as forest, wildlife, culture, tourism and hospitality have potential to significantly contribute to attain industrial economy. Environmental protection, pollution control, recycling of waste to sustain economic growth are essential to strike balance between environment and nature conservation and exploration or utilization of natural resources for economic growth and improving livelihood. We hereby invite papers that will address these areas.

4. Trade, socio-economic transformation for improved agricultural productivity and livelihood
Agriculture must be profitable to significantly transform people’s livelihoods and contribute to economic growth and become dependable source of employment. Profitability of agriculture is determined by terms of trade, distribution of gross margin among value chain actors, markets and marketing, and risk management and investment. Agriculture and development influence social wellbeing of the communities along value chain. SUA researchers strive to address challenges in agricultural trade, markets, socio-economics, value chain to enhance investment and hence productivities.

5. Education for skills development and entrepreneurship
Attaining industrial economy is highly determined by presence of skilled personnel, capable of translating knowledge to solve practical problems in the country’s economy. Similarly, the medium income economy will increase the demand of high skilled labour. These anticipations require education system to be more relevant, practical oriented, problem solving and build capacity for both employability and self-employment at small, medium and large enterprises. We invite papers focusing on exploring problem-based learning, E-learning systems and blended learning education, Technology and economic transformation, ICT and communication security, Mobile Computing, E-services (e-business, e-agriculture, e-extension), E-governance, Role of ICT in development and practical training to improve knowledge and skills development for supporting industrial economy and contribute entrepreneurship.

Abstracts are invited from researchers, innovators, postgraduate students and research associates within and outside SUA. The Abstract should be sent to copied to; and;

NB: All Principal Investigators of research projects registered at SUA must submit at least one abstract/paper as part of dissemination of research findings as per SUA Research Policy and Strategies (2018).

The Deadline for Submission of Abstracts is 25th March 2019

Notification of Accepted abstracts: 15th to 28th March 2019
Call for full papers: 15th March 2019
Deadline for submission of Full papers:6th April 2019
Scientific Conference: 10th and 11th April 2019


  1. Prof. Esron Karimuribo
  2. Dr. Nyambilila Amuri
  3. Prof. Theodory Msogoya
  4. Dr. Doreen Ndossi
  5. Dr. Daniel Mushi
  6. Dr. Athuman Lupindu
  7. Dr. Beda Mwang’onde
  8. Prof. Camillius Sanga
  9. Dr. Wilson Mugasha
  10. Prof. Joseph Hella
  11. Ms. Sauda Kanjanja
  12. Dr. Abdul Katakweba
  13. Prof. Justine Urassa
  14. Dr. Augustine Matondo
  15. Prof. Cornellius Nyaruhucha
  16. Prof. Said Idd


Sokoine Memorial Scientific Conference Proceedings and Special Issues Journal Publications after rigorous peer reviews.

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