SUA commits One Billion Shillings from internal sources to support young early career staff to conduct research

A group photo of workshop participants, resource persons, Guest of Honour and other Senior Management officials who attended the opening session (Photo by Mr. Anania Haonga)

For the first time, the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) has released 500 Million Tanzanian Shillings to support young early career staff to conduct research using internal-generated funds.

During the workshop on “Capacity Building on Proposal Writing Skills” that was held at the Edward Moringe campus on 19th April 2021, the Guest of Honour and Vice Chancellor of SUA, Professor Raphael T. Chibunda assured SUA staff community that SUA is committed to supporting early career staff to advance their research skills and competence.

“During this financial year we set aside 500 Million shillings to support young researchers and we have doubled this amount to One Billion shillings during the next financial year of 2021/22” said Professor Chibunda.

Earlier on when he was delivering opening speech, Professor Chibunda reminded 30 participants attending the event on the importance of the academia being driven by research as envisioned by the first university in the world, the University of Bologna located in Italy which was founded in 1088.

During welcome remarks, the Deputy Vice Chancellor responsible for academics, research and consultancy, Professor Maulid W. Mwatawala, congratulated 19 early career SUA staff from different academic units who qualified for the award of SUA Research and Innovation Support (SUARIS) grants. One additional project was awarded by the SUARIS scheme to support commissioned research based on Government request.

“Let me take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to you personally for the visionary leadership which puts our early career SUA staff on the centre stage when it comes to enhancing research skills in attracting and conducting research” remarked Professor Mwatawala when he was welcoming the Guest of Honour.

The Director for Postgraduate Studies, Research Technology Transfer and Consultancy (DPRTC), Professor Esron D. Karimuribo, also applauded the SUA Council, Senate and Management for considering and approving the idea of using internal funds to support SUA-based researchers.

The Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration and Finance), Professor Samwel Kabote and Director-DPRTC, Professor Esron Karimuribo exchange views with Professor Susan Nchimbi-Msolla, one of Senior SUA researchers engaged as resource persons during workshop (Photo by Mr. Anania Haonga)

Story Credit
Esron D. Karimuribo

Read more information about SUARIS in the following links:

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