It was yet another exciting moment for the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) to host visitors from the HLH Farm and Development Ltd (Mulbadaw) on 22ndand 23rd October, 2019.
This comes as a follow up to signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between SUA and HLH Farm made in March 2019. The Mulbadaw farm is located in Hanang District, Manyara region which is not-for profit entity committed to support health services through the Haydom Lutheran Hospital and development activities benefitting the inhabitants of Mbulu and Hanang Districts in Manyara Region.
A team of senior officials of HLH farm included Mr. Toralf Rugland (Farm Managing Director), Mr. Munyaw Alphonce (HLH Farm Manager), Mr. Haugeland Martin and Prof Lars Eik (Norwegian University of Life Sciences, NMBU). On the other hand, the SUA team, coordinated by the DPRTC staff, comprised of Drs. H. Tindwa, L. Chiligane, W. Mbungu, T. Jumbe and D. Ndossi. Others were Profs. G. Kifaro, L. Mulungu, T. Msogoya and E.D. Karimuribo.

We look forwards to continued collaboration between SUA, HLH Farm and Development Ltd and NMBU.