Regulations and Guidelines for Higher Degrees to Support Online Training and Management of Postgraduate Studies – April 2020

Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) has a long experience in offering postgraduate training at Master and Doctoral levels since 1970s. Running of such programmes requires smooth coordination
guided by appropriate regulations. Regulations and Guidelines for Higher Degrees at SUA were first developed and approved by the University Council in December 1994.

Sokoine University of Agriculture has constantly revised the Regulations and Guidelines for Higher Degrees based on challenges faced and new advancement in knowledge and technologies. The last version (6th Edition) of SUA Regulations and Guidelines for Higher Degrees was approved by the Senate and University Council in September 2018.

As the number of potential postgraduate students seeking for admission and registration at SUA has continued to increase with time, coupled with advancement of the information and communication technologies in supporting learning in Higher Education Institutions, it is high time that SUA adopts and invests in using different models of offering training and management of postgraduate studies.

Sokoine University of Agriculture has now developed Regulations and Guidelines for guiding higher degree students and instructors on online training and management of postgraduate matters as an alternative model of the traditional face-to-face option.

I hope that these Regulations and Guidelines will be useful in supporting postgraduate students, instructors and other key stakeholders at SUA and beyond who are interested in postgraduate matters.

Prof. Raphael T. Chibunda
Vice Chancellor
Sokoine University of Agriculture

Click here to view Regulations and guidelines for higher degrees to support online training and management of postgraduate studies here (pdf)


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