Proceedings of Scientific Conference on Transforming Agriculture and Natural Resources for Sustainable Development to Attain Industrial Economy in Tanzania

We are privileged to publish the Proceedings of SUA Scientific Conference on ‘Transforming Agriculture and Natural Resources for Sustainable Development to Attain Industrial Economy in Tanzania’. The conference was organised by Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) to commemorate and honour the life and legacy of the late Hon. Edward Moringe Sokoine, former Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania which was held from 10th to 11th April, 2019 at SUA Main Campus grounds. The proceedings is an output of this scientific conference which serves as a platform to share the knowledge, innovations, solutions, and findings generated by researchers based at SUA as well as those from other national and international partner and collaborating institutions outside SUA.

The Proceedings is organised to cover major sub-themes of the conference namely: Agroprocessing and Agro-ecology for Food Security and Economic Growth; Sustaining animal health and livestock productivity; Sustainable environment, natural resources management and tourism; Trade, socio-economic transformation for improved agricultural productivity and Livelihood and Education for skills development and entrepreneurship.

We take this opportunity to thank all contributors, from within and outside SUA, who made efforts to prepare high quality articles published in this proceedings. We appreciate support received from Senate Research and Publication Committee members, Editors of SUA-hosted journals i.e. Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Prof. C.N. Nyaruhucha), Tanzania Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation (Late Prof. S. Iddi-RIP); Tanzania Veterinary
Journal (Dr. A.B. Matondo), Prof. J.K. Urassa from the College of Social Sciences and Humanities, and coordination team of Dr. D. Ndossi, Dr. N. Amuri and Ms. L. Madalla during preparations of this proceedings. The Management of Sokoine University of Agriculture is thanked for financial and materials support during organisation of the SUA
scientific conference. We recognise generous support from different research projects during conference organisation and production of this proceedings.

I hope that you will find the proceedings to be a useful resource in terms of education and enrichment of your knowledge. Enjoy reading the proceedings!

Prof. E.D. Karimuribo
(Chairman- SUA Scientific Conference)

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