General minimum admission qualifications
A candidate shall either hold bachelor of Veterinary Medicine or BSc. Biotechnology and Laboratory Sciences or related bachelor degree programmes of Sokoine University of Agriculture or any other institutions recognized by the Tanzania Commission of Universities with a GPA of at least 2.7 or an average grade of B for unclassified degree bachelor degree programmes.
Applicants meeting the prescribed minimum qualifications above are invited to apply for admission into Master of Philosophy (Helminthology) for the academic year 2019/2020. The Single Image Parasite Quantification in Stool (SIMPAO) Project will offer a two year competitive scholarship to successful one applicant. The selection criteria for awarding scholarship are academic performance at bachelor degree level (GPA) and an oral interview. Only applicants with best academic performance will be called for the oral interview.
Interested applicants must attach their curriculum vitae, academic transcripts, certificates and a letter of motivation. Female applicants are highly encouraged to apply.
Duration of scholarship: Two (2) years
Candidates can apply for admission into SUA degree programmes through either of the two options:
- Online application through Make sure that you have soft copies at hand of academic transcripts, certificates, curriculum vitae and letter of motivation commencement of online application.
- Alternatively you can use application forms, which are available in our website: Application forms can also be requested from the Director’s Office through or Such dully-filled forms can be returned physically or mailed to the undersigned together with evidence of payment of Tanzanian Shillings TZS 50,000.The control number for payment of application fee is only obtained through the online application method. Once you get the control number, you can either proceed with the subsequent steps of online application or use application forms as detailed in section (b) above.
Successful applicants will be notified immediately after the approval of their applications is made. The applicant who wins the scholarship will be expected to embark on studies in January 20120.
For further information, please contact
The Director,
Directorate of Postgraduate studies, Research, Technology Transfer and Consultancy
Sokoine University of Agriculture,
P.O. Box 3151, Chuo Kikuu, Morogoro, Tanzania.
Telephone:+255 023-2640013,