Innovation Research Training Program

The Directorate of Postgraduate Studies, Research, Technology Transfer and Consultancy though SUA Innovation Hub is intending to conduct a training program to researchers  on innovation research in order to build capacity conducting research that ends into innovations and management of their intellectual property. The training aims at supporting and encouraging SUA researchers to maximize their research potential towards developing innovative technologies that will solve industrial problems for the benefit of the university and the general population.

The following major topics will be covered


1 Innovation Research Dr. Georges Shemdoe – Retired Director of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness (COSTECH)
2 Intellectual Property Management and commercialization Doreen Anthony Sinare – Chief Executive Officer, COSOTA
3 Patents and Trade Marks Raphael Mtalima – Assistant Registrar: Patents, BRELA

At the end of the training, we expect that participants will have increased awareness on innovation research and to compete in developing fundable innovation proposals.  Additionally, the participating researchers will have knowledge on the value of intellectual property thus safeguarding and benefiting from their rights.

Expected dates of training are 12th13th November, 2020. Venue and exact time will be communicated to you later.

Interested candidates are requested to submit their names to the Coordinator for Technology Transfer and Consultancy at copy to


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