2nd SUA scientific conference (7th-8th April 2021) : Final Call for Abstracts

Sokoine University of Agriculture and her collaborators are committed to contribute to sustainable development to attain Tanzania National Development priorities including the Second Five-year Development Plan 2016 – 2021, the 5th Government’s industrialization agenda and Sustainable Development Goals through provision of quality Research, Outreach and Consultancy services. Researchers and collaborators of SUA conduct various applied research activities to address challenges in agricultural productivity in crops and livestock, livestock and human health, socio-economic dynamics, climate change, natural resources management, education and environmental conservation. To commemorate, celebrate and honor the life and legacy of the late Hon. Edward Moringe Sokoine (former Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania), SUA wishes to share the generated knowledge, innovations, solutions, and findings to the national and international scientific community. In this spirit, SUA will hold the 2021, 2nd SUA Scientific Conference along with the Sokoine Memorial Week.

The objective of the Conference is to showcase SUA’s Research and Technological Innovations towards Transformation of Lower Middle Income Countries.

Read more in the link below


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