
Applications for Admission into Higher Degrees for the Academic Year 2024/2025

Applications are hereby invited for admission into Higher Degrees at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) for the academic year 2024/2025. Candidates for Postgraduate Diploma, Master and PhD Degree programmes by Coursework and Dissertation are admitted and registered once every year for an academic year that starts in October of each year. Successful candidates will be […]

First batch of admissions into postgraduate programmes during 2022/2023 academic year

The following applicants have been selected to join various higher degree programmes offered by Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) during 2022/2023 academic year. The prospective students are advised to observe the following: Read More: The First batch of admissions (from 17th June to 18th September 2022) into Postgraduate programmes during the 2022/2023 academic year  (pdf)

PhD Public Defence: Edward P. Mbwambo (5th October, 2022 at 09:30am)

Public Defence:  PhD Candidate: Edward P. Mbwambo Mr. Edward Mbwambo is employed as Assistant Lecturer at Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere University of Agriculture and Technology (MJNUAT), from June 2017 to date, in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Finance. He registered with Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in July, 2018 to pursue PhD studies in […]

SUA Research and Innovation Support (SUARIS) – 3RD Call for Proposal

In the attachments below, please find the SUARIS 3rd Call for full Research Proposal, the Main SUARIS Document, the Full Proposal Form and Budget template SUARIS 3rd Call for full Research Proposal Main SUARIS Document The Full Proposal Form Download the form in MS Word here Budget Template (Excel Document) Budget Template  

Applications for admission into higher degrees for the academic year 2022/2023

Applications are hereby invited for admission into Higher Degrees at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) during the academic year 2022/2023. Candidates for Postgraduate Diploma, Master and PhD Degree programmes by Coursework and Dissertation are admitted and registered  once every year for an academic year that starts in October of each year. Successful candidates will be […]

PhD Public Defence: Victoria Flavian Gowele (19th January, 2022 at 10:00 am)

Public Defense: PhD Candidate: Victoria Flavian Gowele Victoria Gowele is a lecturer in the Department of Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences at Sokoine University of Agriculture. She has 12 years of experience in the field of nutrition as an academician and as a researcher. She joined Sokoine University of Agriculture for PhD studies in the […]

Call for application for SUA and MOEST HEET scholarships for long term studies for SUA staff

Sokoine University of Agriculture is implementing a Higher Education for Economic Transformation (HEET) project with the funding from the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, secured from the World Bank. Capacity building for SUA staff is one of the HEET components to unlock staff development challenges at the University. For several years individual funding […]

PhD Public Defence: Rose H. Kiwia (16 November 2021 at 09:30 Hrs)

Public Defence: PhD Candidate: Rose H. Kiwia Rose is employed as Lecturer in Community Development Studies at Tengeru Institute of Community Development (TICD), from March 2009 to date, in the Department of Community Development. She registered with Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in November, 2016 to pursue PhD studies in the Department of Development Studies […]

Second batch of admissions into postgraduate programmes during 2021/2022 academic year

The following applicants have been selected to join various higher degree programmes offered by Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) during 2021/2022 academic year. The prospective students are advised to observe the following: Applicants who did not indicate contact information (Physical and/or email addresses) on their application forms should arrange to either: i) visit the Directorate […]

PhD Public Defence: Amina Amri Hamad (04th June, 2021 at 09:00am Hrs)

Public Defence: PhD Candidate: Ms. Amina Amri Hamad Amina was employed as an assistant lecturer in Environmental Studies at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), from September 2011 to June 2014 in the department of Geography and environmental studies. From July 2014 to date, she works as a lecturer in the Department of Geography and environmental […]

PhD Public Defence: Frowin Mgani (29th April, 2021 at 09:30 Hrs)

Public Defence: PhD Candidate: Frowin Mgani Mgani was employed as an Assistant lecturer in Development Studies at Sebastian Kolowa Memorial University (SEKOMU), from December 2010 to February, 2019 in the Department of Special Needs Education. He registered with Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in April, 2015 to pursue PhD studies in the Department of Development […]

PhD Public Defence: Edith Kwigizile (21st April, 2021; Time: 09:30am)

Public Defence: PhD Candidate: Edith T. Kwigizile Kwigizile is a Lecturer in Community Development Studies, employed at the Stefano Moshi Memorial University College, a Constituent College of Tumaini University Makumira since 2009 in the Department of Development Studies and Social Science. In previous, she worked with Action for Relief and Development Assistance, a national Non-Governmental […]

PhD Public Defence: Regina Sanga (16th April, 2021 at 09:30 Hrs)

Public Defence: PhD Candidate: Regina Sanga Regina is employed as an Assistant lecturer in Development Studies at Ruaha Catholic University, from December 2010 to date, in the Department of Humanities. She registered with Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in November, 2015 to pursue PhD studies in the Department of Development Studies (DDS), College of Social […]

Applications for admission into higher degrees for the academic year 2021/2022

Applications are hereby invited for admission into Higher Degrees at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) for the academic year 2021/2022. Candidates for Postgraduate Diploma, Master and PhD Degree programmes by Coursework and Dissertation are admitted and registered  once every year for an academic year that starts in October of each year. Successful candidates will be […]

PhD Public Defence: Peter Onauphoo Siyao (15 April, 2021; 09:00 hrs)

Public Defence: PhD   Candidate: Peter Onauphoo Siyao Peter Onauphoo Siyao (BA Hons & MA- LIS UDSM) is an Academic Librarian at Mzumbe University since 2006. He registered for PhD programme at the Sokoine University of Agriculture in the Department of Information and Records Studies of Sokoine National Agricultural Library in December 2015. Thesis Title: Role […]

PhD Public Defence: Abiud January (29th March 2021; 09.30 hrs)

Defence: PhD Candidate: Abiud January Abiud January is Lecturer at University of Dodoma (UDOM) college of Business and Economics (COBE). Abiud joined the Sokoine University of Agriculture on September 2017 for Ph.D studies at the Department of Policy Planning and Management. Title of the Thesis: Climate Smart Agriculture and Food security: A case of Mbeya […]

PhD Public Defence: Respikius Martin (25th February 2021; 09.30 hrs)

Public Defence: PhD Candidate: Respikius Martin Respikius Martin is a Lecturer in the Department of Agricultural Extension and Community Development at Sokoine University of Agriculture. Martin joined the Sokoine University of Agriculture on December 2016 to pursue PhD studies in the Department of Policy Planning and Management. His PhD was a sandwich program between Sokoine […]

Food Systems Research Network for Africa (FSNet-Africa): Call for Fellowship Applications

The Food Systems Research Network for Africa (FSNet-Africa) is pleased to announce a call for applications to the FSNet-Africa Fellowship Programme. These two-year research fellowships (July 2021 to June 2023) for early career researchers will support impact focused interdisciplinary research and establish long term research networks related to African food systems. Fellows will be selected […]

PhD Public Defence: Justin Lusasi (04th February 2021; 09.30 hrs)

Public Defence: PhD Candidate: Justin Lusasi Justin Lusasi is an Assistant Lecturer at Stella Maris Mtwara University College (STEMMUCO), a Constituent of St. Augustine of Tanzania-SAUT. Justin joined the Sokoine University of Agriculture on November 2016 for Ph.D studies at the Department of Policy Planning and Management. Title of the Thesis: Timber farming: Domestic investors […]

2nd SUA scientific conference (7th-8th April 2021) : Final Call for Abstracts

Sokoine University of Agriculture and her collaborators are committed to contribute to sustainable development to attain Tanzania National Development priorities including the Second Five-year Development Plan 2016 – 2021, the 5th Government’s industrialization agenda and Sustainable Development Goals through provision of quality Research, Outreach and Consultancy services. Researchers and collaborators of SUA conduct various applied […]

Prospective Graduands for the year 2020

The following candidates have been tentatively approved by the University Senate to graduate during the 36th graduation ceremony scheduled on 18th December 2020 Click this link to view the list of Graduands-December-2020 (pdf)

Fourth batch of admissions into postgraduate programmes during 2020/2021 academic year

The following applicants have been selected to join various higher degree programmes offered by Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) during 2020/2021 academic year. The prospective students are advised to observe the following: Applicants who did not indicate contact information (Physical and/or email addresses) on their application forms should arrange to either: i) visit the Directorate […]

PhD Public Defense: Joel Matiku Joshua (10th November, 2020; 09:30 hrs)

Public Defense: PhD Candidate: Joel Matiku Joshua Joel is a lecturer of Psychology, Education and Development studies. Worked at University of Dar es salaam, Open University of Tanzania, and currently at Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere University of Agriculture and Technology (MJNUAT). He was registered as a PhD candidate at Sokoine University of Agriculture in 2018 […]

Third batch of admissions into postgraduate programmes during 2020/2021 academic year

The following applicants have been selected to join various higher degree programmes offered by Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) during 2020/2021 academic year. The prospective students are advised to observe the following: Applicants who did not indicate contact information (Physical and/or email addresses) on their application forms should arrange to either: i) visit the Directorate […]

Innovation Research Training Program

The Directorate of Postgraduate Studies, Research, Technology Transfer and Consultancy though SUA Innovation Hub is intending to conduct a training program to researchers  on innovation research in order to build capacity conducting research that ends into innovations and management of their intellectual property. The training aims at supporting and encouraging SUA researchers to maximize their […]

PhD Public Defense: Kasukura Nyamaka (27th October, 2020; 09:30 hrs)

Public Defense: PhD Candidate: Kasukura Nyamaka Kasukura is a specialist in Natural Resources Management and Sustainable Agriculture. Currently is working as postgraduate researcher at the Department of Geography in the College of Social Sciences, University of Dar es salaam. He registered with Sokoine University of Agriculture in July, 2015 in the Department of Development Studies […]

PhD Public Defense: Dominick Ringo (15th October, 2020 at 09:30am)

Public Defence:  PhD Candidate: Dominick E. Ringo Mr. Dominick Ringo was employed as an Executive Director in RECODA where he has served for 17 years to date. Formerly, he worked under the Ministry of Agriculture in Tanzania as a research officer in Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI) – Uyole (Southern Highland Zone) and then TARI […]

PhD Public Defense: Zawadi Nkulikwa (16th October, 2020; 09:30 hrs)

Public Defense: PhD Candidate: Zawadi Ally Nkulikwa Nkulikwa is a specialist in Rural Development especially in Sociology of health and illness and Research Management system and also education for development. Currently working as Assistant Lecturer at St. John’s University of Tanzania, School of Nursing (SONU), Dodoma. He registered with Sokoine University of Agriculture in November, […]

Master of Irrigation Engineering and Management Scholarship Opportunities for the academic year 2020/2021


Second batch of admissions into postgraduate programmes during 2020/2021 academic year

The following applicants have been selected to join various higher degree programmes offered by Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) during 2020/2021 academic year. The prospective students are advised to observe the following: Applicants who did not indicate contact information (Physical and/or email addresses) on their application forms should arrange to either: i) visit the Directorate […]

PhD Public Defence: Kelvin M. Njunwa

Public Defense: PhD Candidate: Kelvin M. Njunwa Njunwa is a specialist in Human Resource Management (HRM) and Development Management especially in the Local Governments in Tanzania. Currently work as Principal Human Resource Officer (PHRO) at Morogoro Regional Office (RAS). He registered with Sokoine University of Agriculture in December, 2015 in the Department of Development Studies […]

PhD Public Defence: Lekumok Kironyi

Public Defence: PhD                                          Candidate: Lekumok Kironyi Kironyi is a PhD students at the School of Agricultural Economics and Business Studies (SAEBS). Kironyi is employed as an assistant Lecturer at the Mwalimu J.K. Nyerere University of […]

PhD Public Defence: Willy Maliganya

Public Defence: PhD Candidate: Willy Maliganya Maliganya is a specialist in Development Studies focusing on Natural Resources Governance especially in the extractive sectors for improved local livelihoods in Tanzania. He is an employee of the Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy (MNMA) in the capacity of an Assistant Lecturer since September, 2006 in the Department of Education. […]

First Batch of Admissions into Postgraduate Programmes During 2020/2021 Academic Year

The following applicants have been selected to join various higher degree programmes offered by Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) during 2020/2021 academic year. The prospective Students are advised to observe the following: Applicants who did not indicate contact information (Physical and/or Email addresses) on their application forms should arrange to either: i) visit the Directorate […]

Sokoine University of Agriculture maintaining Excellency in research

Sokoine University of Agriculture is making remarkable success in Scientific Research and contributions to scientific development. The institution makes feasible inputs in research by providing robust and tangible evidence in delivering scientific material. It offers opportunity of additional information to the research problems under investigation in real world. The scientific knowledge developed can find answers […]

SUA Intellectual Property Policy – 2020

Sokoine University of Agriculture aims at creating a research culture that actively responds to the needs of Tanzania, whilst contributing to the global research community through its R&D outputs. The University developed its first Intellectual Property (IP) policy in 2005 in keeping with its Corporate Strategic Plan (SUACSP) 1997-2005. A number of relevant stakeholders including […]

PhD Public Defence: Michael Kadigi

Public Defence: PhD Candidate: Michael Kadigi Kadigi is an Agricultural Economist employed at the Sokoine University of Agriculture as an Assistant Lecturer since 2015 in the Department of Policy Planning and Management (DPPM). He registered with Sokoine University of Agriculture in May 2014 to pursue PhD studies in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness […]

PhD Public Defence: Leonard Joseph Marwa

Public Defense: PhD  Candidate: Leonard Joseph Marwa Mr. Leonard Joseph Marwa works with Tanzania Livestock Research Institute (TALIRI) at West Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. He was enrolled as PhD student at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in June, 2014 in the Department of Animal, Aquaculture, and Range Sciences, College of Agriculture. Mr Marwa is a holder of MSc in […]

PhD Public Defence: Alex Mayamba

Public Defence: PhD Candidate: Alex Mayamba Mr. Mayamba is a Research Consultant working with Kawanda Agribusiness Consult, Uganda, formally employed as Research Assistant with National Agriculture Research Laboratories, Uganda. He joined Sokoine University of Agriculture in November, 2016 in the Department of Wild life Management, College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism (CFWT). Thesis Title: Ecology of […]

Research Associates Positions Under the Development Corridor Partnership-Building Capacity for Sustainable Development Corridors (DCP) Project

Background and Project Objectives  DCP project is a 4-year consortium project led by UNEP-WCMC involving institutions from UK, China and Africa being funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF). The DCP research partnership is helping countries in East Africa to plan for a sustainable future. The project will use a capacity-building approach to analyse […]


All postgraduate students at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) who have confirmed to continue with Semester II studies via online distance training model are hereby invited to attend a virtual induction training session using zoom platform. Training will be conducted on Thursday 21st May, 2020 starting from 9:30 AM. You will be invited by email […]

PhD Public Defence: Kelvin Njunwa

Public Defence: PhD Candidate: Kelvin Njunwa Njunwa is a Principal Human Resource Officer (PHRO) employed with Morogoro Regional Office (RAS), formally employed as Assistant Lecturer with Tanzania Institute of Accountancy. He joined Sokoine University of Agriculture in December, 2015 in the Department of Development Studies, College of Social Sciences and Humanities Thesis Title: Political-Administrative Relations […]

Regulations and Guidelines for Higher Degrees to Support Online Training and Management of Postgraduate Studies – April 2020

Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) has a long experience in offering postgraduate training at Master and Doctoral levels since 1970s. Running of such programmes requires smooth coordination guided by appropriate regulations. Regulations and Guidelines for Higher Degrees at SUA were first developed and approved by the University Council in December 1994. Sokoine University of Agriculture […]

PhD Public Defence: Jean-Bosco Ntirandekura

Candidate: Jean-Bosco Ntirandekura Ntirandekura is a veterinarian employed at the University of Burundi as an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Animal Health and Production. He joined Sokoine University of Agriculture in October 2015 to pursue PhD studies in the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Public Health of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical […]

PhD Public Defence: Idrissa S.Chuma

Candidate: Idrissa S. Chuma Chuma is a veterinarian employed with the Tanzania National Parks as Wildlife Veterinarian in the in the Western Zone (Serengeti). He joined Sokoine University of Agriculture in April 2015 to pursue PhD studies in the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Public Health of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences […]

Call for PhD and MSc Scholarship applications under the Climate Smart Rice Research Project

SOKOINE UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE College of Agriculture Department of Crop Science and Horticulture The College of Agriculture at the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), in collaboration with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), of the Philippines and the University of Copenhagen, Denmark has received research grant to implement the Climate Smart Rice Research Project which […]


Applications are hereby invited for admission into Higher Degrees at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) for the academic year 2020/2021. Candidates for Postgraduate Diploma, Master and PhD Degree programmes with course work are admitted and registered  once every year for an academic year that starts in October of each year. Candidates for Master and PhD […]

Climate impacts on agricultural and natural resource sustainability in Africa

Sokoine University of Agriculture commits to disseminate research findings to address Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) through collaborative research and partnership. SUA shares knowledge, experience and discussions in the New Book “Climate impacts on agricultural and natural resource sustainability in Africa”. Contributing authors from SUA includes: Nyambilila Amuri, Ernest Semu, Joseph Hellah, Gratian Rwegasira, Maulid Mwatawala, […]

Proceedings of Scientific Conference on Transforming Agriculture and Natural Resources for Sustainable Development to Attain Industrial Economy in Tanzania

We are privileged to publish the Proceedings of SUA Scientific Conference on ‘Transforming Agriculture and Natural Resources for Sustainable Development to Attain Industrial Economy in Tanzania’. The conference was organised by Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) to commemorate and honour the life and legacy of the late Hon. Edward Moringe Sokoine, former Prime Minister of […]


The following Candidates have been tentatively approved by the University Senate to graduate during the 35th graduation ceremony scheduled on 22nd November, 2019. Click this link to view list of Graduands-November-2019 (pdf)  


The following applicants have been selected to join various higher degree programmes offered by Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) during 2019/2020 academic year. The prospective Students are advised to observe the following: 1. Applicants who did not indicate contact information (Physical and/or Email addresses) on their application forms should arrange to either: i) visit the […]


1) ACCOMODATION ON-CAMPUS All international students will be accommodated within the campus at the University Main Campus to ensure safety and comfort. Rooms are available at new ICE hostel, old ICE hotel and SUA-HAB at monthly rents as shown below. Accommodation Available rooms Mostly cost (US$) New ICE hostel 12 100 SUA-HAB 20 100 Old […]


The following applicants have been selected to join various higher degree programmes offered by Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) during 2019/2020 academic year. The prospective Students are advised to observe the following: Applicants who did not indicate contact information (Physical and/or Email addresses) on their application forms should arrange to either: i) visit the Directorate […]


PhD POSITION UNDER AESA-RISE AT SUA Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in collaboration with the Alliance for Accelerating Excellence in Science in Africa and Regional Initiative in Science and Education (AESA- RISE) Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme is implementing a research project in natural product formulations and validation. The project is hosted in the Department of Veterinary […]


INTRODUCTION The Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) is funding a focussed research aimed at the design and development of an effective yet cheap and potable rock-phosphate-based biofertilizer for direct application to farmers’ fields. The project is based at the Department of Soil and Geological Sciences (DSGS) but qualified applicants can register in either […]


The following applicants have been selected to join various higher degree programmes offered by Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) during 2019/2020 academic year. The prospective Students are advised to observe the following: Applicants who did not indicate contact information (Physical and/or Email addresses) on their application forms should arrange to either: i) visit the Directorate […]

Revised version of Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) Research Policy and Strategy

This revised version of Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) Research Policy 2010 provides policy statement, and related implementation strategies. The revised policy accommodates contemporary and emerging issues to ensure increased number and quality of research outputs. The revised Policy seeks to affirm institutional commitment and sets direction of research to enable SUA researchers to contribute […]

SUA Scientific Conference in Agriculture and Agribusiness (10th-11th April 2019)

THEME: TRANSFORMING AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT TO ATTAIN INDUSTRIAL ECONOMY IN TANZANIA CALL FOR ABSTRACTS Background Sokoine University of Agriculture and her collaborators are committed to contribute to sustainable development to attain Tanzania National Development Priorities and Sustainable Development Goals through provision of quality Research, Outreach and Consultancy services. Researchers and collaborators of […]

Application Now opens for admission into higher degrees for the academic year 2019/2020

Applications are hereby invited for admission into Higher Degrees at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) for the academic year 2019/2020. Candidates for Postgraduate Diploma, Master and PhD Degree programmes with course work are admitted once every year for an academic year that starts in October of each year. Candidates for PhD by research only and Master of Philosophy (MPhil) […]

Second Batch of Admitted Postgraduate Students 2018/19

The following applicants have been selected, as second batch, to join various Higher degree programmes offered by Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA)during 2018/2019 academic year. The prospective Students are advised to observe the following: Applicants who did not indicate contact information (Physical and/or Email addresses) on their application forms should arrange to either: i) visit […]


The following applicants have been selected to join various Higher degree programmes offered by Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) during 2018/2019 academic year. The prospective Students are advised to observe the following: Applicants who did not indicate contact information (Physical and/or Email addresses) on their application forms should arrange to either: i) visit the Directorate of Postgraduate […] Promising practice in e-agriculture

‘UshauriKilimo’( is a Swahili word from ‘Ushauri’ and ‘Kilimo’ which means ‘advisory’ and ‘agriculture’ respectively. ‘UshauriKilimo’ is an information system for agricultural advisory services. It is an agro-advisory and extension service system that allows any actor in the agricultural sector to ask for advisory services to an agriculture extension officer using either the web or […]

Professorial Inaugural Lecture by Prof. Maulid Mwatawala

On March 20, 2018 Prof. Maulid Walad Mwatawala from the Department of Crop Science and Horticulture  of Sokoine University of Agriculture delivered a powerful professorial inaugural lecture on Facilitating International Agricultural Trade through Science: The Case of Tephritid Flies. His lecture highlighted key research findings on fruit flies based on studies conducted at SUA in collaboration with other partners. The information that was generated […]

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