Regulation and Guidelines

Guidelines for Preparing Thesis/Dissertation/Research Report, Research Paper and other Scientific Publications at Sokoine University of Agriculture – (Fifth Edition, February 2022)

Regulations and Guidelines for Higher Degrees – (Sixth Edition, April 2021 (Revised)

Regulations and Guidelines for Higher Degrees to Support Online Training and Management of Postgraduate Studies – ( First Edition, April 2020)

Research Regulations and Guidelines – (Fourth Edition, June 2019)

Guidelines for the preparation of Dissertation/Thesis  – (Fourth Edition, June 2008)

Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact

The Director,
Directorate of Postgraduate Studies, Research, Technology Transfer and Consultancy,
Sokoine University of Agriculture,
P.O. Box 3151, Chuo Kikuu, Morogoro, Tanzania

Phone: +255 023-2640013
Phone (Whatsapp): +255 734 552 259

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