Technology Transfer & Consultancy Section

Technology Transfer and Consultancy Section deals with all aspects and matters related to Technologies  and Consultancy services at Sokoine University of Agriculture.

Technology Transfer

Prior to 2005, public universities in Tanzania, including SUA, never owned any Intellectual Property (IP) rights. Protection of knowledge-based assets was not available for domestic inventors working in public research institutions. After enactment of the Tanzania Universities Act (2005) which made public university semi-autonomous, the government strongly encouraged universities in receipt of public research funding or support from development partners to establish a technology transfer function and protect its inventions. Read More

Consultancy Services

Sokoine University of Agriculture has been offering consultancy and advisory services through the college-based consultancy wings. The Bureau of Agricultural Consultancy and Advisory Services (BACAS) has been in operation since 1991 under the then Faculty of Agriculture (now the College of Agriculture). Read More

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