Welcome Message from the Director

On behalf of the Directorate of Postgraduate Studies, Research, Technology Transfer and Consultancy (DPRTC), I take this opportunity to welcome you to the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA).

The DPRTC coordinates all matters related to postgraduate training in addition to research and publications generated by SUA staff and students. Also, DPRTC promotes linkages with other public and private stakeholders especially those related to enhancing university-industry partnerships and collaborations.

Being aware that some research activities generate new technologies and innovations, DPRTC is also responsible for promoting technology transfer in addition to coordinating consultancy services offered by the University.

Sokoine University of Agriculture is committed to training high calibre professionals and innovative researchers in all fields of agriculture and allied disciplines. Due to enormous experience of offering postgraduate studies, with the first PhD awarded by the then Faculty of Agriculture in 1972, we can assure you that, you will experience the high quality of postgraduate training offered by competent and highly skilled academic staff at SUA.

Gradually, the number of postgraduate students enrolled at SUA has been growing from about 50 in the 1980’s, 100 in the late 1990’s to 754 during the 2020/21 academic year. Although the majority of postgraduate students at SUA are Tanzanians, a good number of these students are international students from within and outside Africa.

Sokoine University of Agriculture has trained postgraduate students from different African countries including Benin, Chad, Ivory Coast, Botswana, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Sudan, Swaziland, Uganda and Zambia. Other students are from outside Africa including Belgium, Japan and Norway.

We have more than 64 different postgraduate programmes ranging from Postgraduate Diplomas, Masters, Doctoral (PhD) and Postdoctoral programmes offered by the University as indicated in this website. I am optimistic that you will not regret spending time with us to pursue postgraduate training.

Once again, I welcome you to Sokoine University of Agriculture.

Prof. Esron D. Karimuribo
Director, Directorate of Postgraduate Studies, Research, Technology Transfer and Consultancy 

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